Vanilla Bean Extract


Our Vanilla Bean Tincture is crafted with only Organic Ingredients including: 80 proof Vodka, Vanilla Beans, & so much love

Use in baked goods, coffee, & food recipes to enhance the flavor with the delicious taste of Vanilla, or taken as is to boost cognitive function, aid the nervous system, and receive its high antioxidant levels to support overall health.

Crafted with the intention to offer you a completely organic and natural Vanilla Extract or Tincture that you can use as a staple in the kitchen, or utilize under your tongue, in water, tea, smoothies, or functional mocktails to offer you its wide array of healing benefits.

Key Benefits:

●       High in Antioxidants, neutralizing free radicals in the body to promote better overall health

●       May help to alleviate symptoms of depression, known as “Nature’s Antidepressant”

●       Aphrodisiac

●       Can support healthy digestion

●       May help to relieve stress, anxiety and sleep issues

●       Contains anti-aging properties that may help slow the process of aging

●       Can help to improve concentration, memory and cognitive functions


2 oz Dropper Bottle

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