Moon Melodies


Our Moon Melodies Tincture is crafted with only Organic Ingredients including: Grain Free Alcohol, Rosemary, Chamomile, Mugwort, Red Clover Blossom, Cramp Bark, Cinnamon Chips, Red Raspberry Leaf, Nettle, Rhodiola Root, Hibiscus & So Much Love

Aids in Relieving Cramps, Nourishing One's Womb During Your Moon Cycle, Grounding, Calming, Nourishing Blend for Womb Carriers to bring relief during your bleed

Crafted with the intention of helping you to have more easeful bleeds with less cramping and discomfort, as we put together herbs that support the health of your reproductive system in relieving painful cycles, and supporting your reproductive system in a well rounded way.

The taste has strong notes of red raspberry, rosemary, cinnamon and chamomile, with earthy & floral notes. Place under your tongue for fastest absorption, or drink in water, juice, tea, smoothies, or make a functional mocktail.

Key Benefits:

●       Provides Bioavailable Iron & Supports people with Anemia

●       Aids in relieving cramps

●       Helps promote a healthy reproductive system in women

●       Increases blood flow to the reproductive organs

●       Aids in creating regular and healthy menstrual cycles

●       Adaptogenic

●       Anti-inflammatory

●       Aids in nourishing your nervous system, creating a more grounded and relaxed state


2 oz Dropper Bottle

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