Deep Sleep


Our Deep Sleep Tincture is crafted with only Organic Ingredients including: Grain Free Alcohol, Valerian Root, Skullcap, Hops, Lavender, Chamomile & so much love.

This blend is crafted to help you in falling asleep easily & staying asleep throughout the night so that you can get the rest that you need in order to be ready & prepared to take on every day, refreshed and energized

Crafted with the intention to help those of you who struggle when your head hits the pillow with racing thoughts, fall asleep with ease.

Key Benefits:

●       Aids in helping you fall asleep faster & stay asleep as it offers a natural Sedative effect

●       Can benefit those struggling with Insomnia to get to sleep

●       Aids in relieving Anxiety with its regulation of nerve cells

●       Supports in pain relief and relaxing muscles

●       Helps you to relax and calm your nervous system to promote a great night’s rest

●       Supports healthy blood pressure

●       Supports a healthy digestive system

2 oz Dropper Bottle

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